Saturday 18 August 2012

En route to Hyde park

En route to Hyde park to see live olympics on the big screens and soak up the atmosphere and then on to earls court for the Olympic volleyball quarter final. Chris and I saw lots of 5s.

Friday 3 August 2012

Taxi fare home

Taxi fare home

The screen number 5

This was where we ended up by watching the Olympics at Hyde park. Comfy lounge chairs and a pint of cider in the sun... Perfect. Whats better we watched the men's team win gold and watched the start of Murray vs jokovic which Murray went on to win!

Platform 5

Next train to my friend's house and also boarded the train opposite carriage number 5 from the train at the other platform. Oh and I also sat at seat number 25 on the way from exeter to London.

Five gold medals and GB goes into 5th

Chris hoy gets his fifth gold medal and team GB goes into 5th place in the medal table. Amazing lucky number 5 day.

Thursday 2 August 2012

The golf cart

Walked past a golf green and guess what I found?

The runaway birthday balloon

This was a balloon that I saw float up in the air on a Saturday evening in a pub garden

Monday 16 July 2012

Sunday 8 July 2012

Train platform

My train platform at departure from exeter then when leaving Bristol later that day. To add to it my seat was just next to 55. What's even weirder is the platform from london's paddington was number 5! What a crazy weekend of 5s.

Thursday 5 July 2012

At Madrid metro

This was the sign at my final destination on the Madrid metro

Speed limit at Bristol airport

Also just notices this was posted at 21:55 with 85% battery left on my phone

Gate at madrid

Cereal bar

Train time + platform

Library card

Only just notices this

Train seat and time

The gadget shop

This gadget shop has not only the number 5 in its name but also my favourite colour... Red :-)

The temperature

My ticket

In the gondola

Number of people allowed on this gondola

The radio channel

This is the radio I was given. The channel and sub channel was preset to 5

Time, battery life and gps location

Just as I start my week in the amazing chamonix

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Monday 11 June 2012

Fuel station

It was really busy at the fuel station one morning and this was the next available position.... Weird. The fuel cost £35:55

Cocacola code

The cokecode..

Thursday 7 June 2012

Friend's horse

This is my friend's horse coming a close second  at the point to point race on the 5th of May (5/5/12)... it was number 5!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Compass direction in car

Although this is direction 'south south' it does look like 55 on the car's compass.

Lamp post and telephone posts

Once you notice the number 5 you then end up by looking for places where it might be. These are the lamp posts and telephone posts outside my friend's place.

The wheel chair

This was the only wheel chair in the corridor of the ward I worked at this weekend at work.

Door number and lamppost

I stopped on the way to work to take a picture of a skip that had my friend's name on it and I somehow felt compelled to look behind me. It was just the same feeling you get when you know you're being watched. When I turned round this is what I found. I somehow knew what I was going to find number 55 door and it's in bright red my favourite colour!

To top it off I went back past it on the way from work and saw the lamppost outside.... Yep you guessed it ... Number 5

My home screen while blogging

Just noticed my home screen while blogging for this site being: 5th of June, 7:55 and 55% battery life! Bizarre! I just missed the screen freeze capturing that.

Another cow

This was my friend's last cow that he had to work on, (as a Bovine chiropodist) last Friday before the jubilee weekend. 5

The table directly behind me

This the table directly behind where I was sitting at the pre-Coldplay gig dinner.

Monday 4 June 2012

The TV news clip from favourite channel

I regularly watch 'Russell Howard's Good News'. It's practically the only programme I do watch and it had this clip from an American News channel... K5